Bay Area Endodontics

Knock out

cartoon knockSituation: You just experienced a dental injury and one of your teeth got knocked out. Now what? Don’t worry – you are not alone. More than five million teeth get knocked out each year. The trick is to know what to do when it happens.

Here is a list we put together of all the things you should do when experiencing a dental emergency.

Call our office and say you are experiencing a dental emergency. The sooner you can get seen, the better. It is recommended to see a dental professional within 30 minutes of your injury if possible.

  1. Act quickly. To save your tooth, you must move quickly. The longer you take to see us, the harder it will be for us to save your tooth.
  2. Locate your tooth that was knocked out. Make sure when you find the tooth to grab it by crown and not the root. Handle with care!
  3. If it’s dirty, gently wash it with water. Don’t use soap or chemicals of any kind. Don’t scrub the tooth or wrap it in any material.
  4. Try to put the tooth back in its rightful place. This might sound strange, use your fingers to gently push the tooth slowly back into its socket. Hold it in place with your finger or gently bite down on the tooth.
  5. Keep the tooth moist at all times! If your tooth is staying in its socket, don’t mess with it. If it won’t stay, either keep it in the side of your cheek (don’t swallow it), or keep it in a glass of milk.
  6. Visit our office, bring your tooth and we will take care of the rest.

Experiencing a dental emergency can be scary. Try to keep these things in mind and remember to remain calm. We are here to help you – call us at Daly City Office Phone Number 650-994-2710.

What You Should Know About Dental Implants

Woman getting fit for dental implantsIf you are looking for an alternative to dentures and would like to replace your missing teeth, dental implants may be for you. Dental implants are a popular long-term method for restoring your smile. Many people decide to get dental implants after they have experienced loss of teeth due to variety of reasons. Dental implants give you back your freedom from missing teeth.

Who gets dental implants?

Those who are in overall good health and are looking for a long-term solution for their missing teeth are candidates for dental implants. This includes those who are tired of dentures and are looking for a more comfortable and convenient alternative.

What are the advantages of dental implants?

There are many advantages of getting dental implants, including:

  • Convenience: dental implants are a long-term option for replacing missing teeth. They have the added benefit of being a permanent fixture in your mouth unlike dentures that can be abrasive to the gums and can cause difficulty speaking.
  • Easier eating: you may have found that eating has become more difficult with missing teeth. A dental implant allows for more efficient chewing and will allow you to enjoy your favorite foods once again.
  • Improved appearance: Dental implants look and feel like real teeth. They can be designed with the same color and shape as your surrounding teeth, making them natural looking
  • Confidence: Dental implants can give you a youthful appearance and increased self-esteem. You may find yourself smiling more than ever with your new implants.

How do I care for my dental implant?

The great thing about dental implants is that they require the same care as real teeth. This means regular brushing, flossing and routine dental checkups. If taken care of properly, your new implant can last you a lifetime!

If you are interested in dental implants, contact Bay Area Endodontics at Daly City Office Phone Number 650-994-2710 to set up a dental implant consultation.

What to Expect After a Root Canal

A root canal is a procedure that saves a natural tooth that has become decayed or infected. Your endodontist will remove the tooth’s nerve and pulp (the tissue inside the teeth) and will clean and seal the tooth, therefore halting any more decay. Root canal procedures are often very effective in saving natural teeth.

Do I Need a Root Canal?

Without treatment, an infected tooth can worsen and may need removal, or sometimes can cause abscesses. Abscesses are pus-filled pockets that occur when the decay and bacteria has spread beyond the tooth’s roots. It’s important to address an infection before an abscess occurs!

Is a Root Canal Painful?

After a root canal procedure, some tenderness and soreness may occur in the area surrounding the infected tooth. It is normal to experience some pain and swelling, which typically goes down with time and proper care. Most people experience at least some discomfort post root canal procedure.

Root Canal: A Two Step Procedure

A root canal is a two-step procedure – a final crown needs to be placed over the tooth in order to seal it from any further infection or decay. While you are recovering from the initial visit, it is important to remember to take good care of the tooth before the crown visit, because the tooth is fragile and can easily break. Once the tooth crown is placed, the restored tooth can last as long as your natural teeth!

Preventing a Root Canal

Ways to prevent further root canals include: practicing good oral hygiene by properly brushing and flossing, seeing your dentist regularly for teeth cleanings and check-ups, and avoiding foods high in sugar, starch and acid – which contributes to increased tooth decay.

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