Bay Area Endodontics
San Mateo Office
Office Hours
Please accept our warmest greetings! Perhaps your dentist recently told you, “You need a root canal.” If you feel anxious about it, we understand. Many people do. We also know, that like thousands before you, you are going to do just fine. We do many things to make an experience you may not be looking forward to into one you will look back on with positive feelings.
At Bay Area Endodontics you will have a choice and elect to have a consultation only for your first visit or a consultation and treatment (if necessary) done at the same time. During your consultation we will explain your diagnosis and all of your treatment options.
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Mailing Address
Bay Area Endodontics
100 South Ellsworth Ave Suite 801
San Mateo, CA 94401
Phone: San Mateo Office Phone Number 650-344-0299
Fax: 650-344-6741